Saturday, January 16, 2010

That Includes Me...Right?

This post is late, but I guess that will have to be all right. I'm supposed to post before every Friday...last night, I just plumb forgot. This week's post is on what role of leadership in my life I want to work on while I'm in this class, and I actually have two.

I was interviewed and found to be an exceptional candidate for a position on BYU's "Choose to Give" (AKA C2G) Executive committee. This program is all about getting students on campus to donate money. That money will be put towards helping other students pay for college. I am one of roughly 15 committee members who has to put this week-long program together; we launch towards the end of March.
I am one of the College Relations people. My job, as outlined on the "Executive Committee Position Descriptions"

"This person stands on the "front lines" of Choose to Give my acting as a liaison to the different colleges on campus. Traditionally, the Dean gives the college student councils charge over much of the student fund-raising. So, the College Relations Captain will need to regularly contact and meet with these student councils as a liaison from the executive committee. The College Relations captain will help the colleges plan their activities, generate ideas, and receive the right supplies. During Fall Semester and the beginning of Winter Semester, this person educates and talks to colleges about Choose to Give. Then, during the few months right before the campaign, he or she will actively work with the colleges to order the right supplies for them. Right before and during the week of C2G, this person will help distribute supplies to individual colleges and promote their activities."

My assigned colleges are the Marriott School and Education. I get to meet with the student council, help them plan their activities in relation to C2G. Along the way I am positive I'll have plenty of opportunity to work on my leadership capabilities!

The other role is that of a mentor. I recently applied to be a mentor of a student at one of the local schools through the Provo Youth Mentoring program. I am very excited to help a child; to be a good role model in her life. I strongly believe that the primary principles of leadership can be applied in this role in my life.

At first it was kind of difficult to think of where I could be a leader. Through my many experiences with myself, and especially during the Foundations of Leadership Conference I attended last summer, I discovered that I am more of a subtle leader. I let the REALLY outgoing, good at public speaking and coming up with super creative ideas people take over while I support them and take care of the people that might get overlooked in the big picture. So, in my own life, where I AM the leader, it's a little more difficult. But as I started looking, I found that while the leading I do won't be quite what George Washington or Rosa parks did, it CAN follow what Jesus Christ did in his life. I can serve and love and be an example. I can listen and learn and grow, and in doing so lead others to see their own potentials as leaders. Because as this blog's title aptly states, "Anyone can lead." And I believe that everyone should.


  1. Intersting you would mention Rosa Parks as someone who you might not quite be like as a leader. You know, the truth is, you're probably a WHOLE LOT like Rosa Parks.

    You see, she didn't wake up one morning and decide to change the way people thought about civil rights and then figure out that if she just refused to sit in the back of the bus it would do the trick.

    No, her actions were likely first motivated by having just finished a long day at work. She was tired. But, of course, there is more than that going on, too.

    She was also committed to equal rights for all. She had been working for the rights of all people through her volunteering with the NAACP and other work.

    I'm not trying to discount what she did. I am trying to emphasize that Rosa Parks was quiet, soft-spoken and diplomatic. More like you, BreeAnn, than like a George Washington or George Patton.

    BreeAnn's Dad

  2. What great opportunities you have. Oftentimes the most subtle leaders are the most effective. I love your thought of anyone can be a leader. President Hinckley once said, "You can be a leader. You must be a leader." This was to a group of BYU students. The world needs more leaders that stand up for their beliefs in a quiet, convictive way.
